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Serge Kahili King, PhD, Big Island, Hawai'i

Visit the homepage of my esteemed teacher and mentor; Hawaiian shaman and author and immerse yourself in the source of HUNA: 

Stress management & personal wellbeing


Manage your stress levels with the support of experts: Consulting, coaching, workshops & seminars for effective stress management, burnout prevention and positive work-life balance:

Trevor Kealohaokeao Courtney, NZ

Alaka'i, Team & Trainer colleague of Huna International;
NLP Practitioner, Time Line Therapist:

Barbara & Fred Kalani Graupner, Freilassing


Lomi Lomi Nui therapists for traditional, Hawaiian body work & wellness massage with relaxing and energizing effects:

Mukti Baumann, Yoga, Salzburg

Mindful Yoga for your inner power, peace and balance:

Graeme Kapono Urich, New Zealand


Alaka'i, Trainer & Team colleague of Huna International, Author, Founder of Aloha New Zealand, Lomi-Lomi

Massageraum Salzburg


According to the motto: "The heart must have hands, the hands a heart" Melanie Grace Sobotta releases blockages and tensions with soothing massage techniques:

Pete Dalton, Birmingham, UK

Alaka'i , Trainer & Team colleague of Huna International, Author, Founder of Urban Huna, 

Coach, Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP, Mindfulness and more:

Ayurveda Hidajeta Schischek


Holistic healing art for the whole family:
Specialist practice Salzburg for Ayurveda & Kalari
as well as Svastha yoga therapy:

Rev. Wayne Kealohi Powell D.D., Kaua'i, HI

Alaka'i , Trainer & Team-Colleague of Huna International, Author, Founder of Hawaiian Shamanic Bodywork, Kumu Lomi, Songwriter, Holistic Health Educator: 

Mag. Christine Peterek, Linz


Beneficial mobilizing deep massage, kinesiology & bodywork in the synesis practice of my dear sister:

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.(FH) Gerhard Moser 


Gerhard Moser is a longtime professional in nutrition and sports science, an experienced mental trainer, book author and SunCoaching stress management partner:

Daniela Hruschka, Salzburg

Life, style & stars - your astrological advisor
for a close look at the stars!

Uschi Burkart, VITA-VISION


The specialist for Ayurvedic Cures in Sri Lanka & Europe. Recommended holistic health concepts,

burnout therapy & prevention:

Susanne Hemetsberger, Salzburg

Physiotherapist, (pediatric) osteopath, cranio-sacral therapy, atlas energetics, pilates & salsa training, Liebscher-Bracht-Therapy

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