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Dance Practice

Negative beliefs can be like invisible chains that hold us back, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Here is how to change them effectively step-by-step. Read more...

Sand Snowman

Among other things, I used our sabbatical in Hawaii to cultivate "Healthy Habits" and to look into Longevity and other new insights of holistic health. Click here to read more...


From arguments in the family to the terrible war in Ukraine, conflicts are a difficult part of our lives and we are challenged to deal with them as constructively as possible. Read more...

Decorating the Christmas Tree

This year's Christmas article is about difficult times, "golden" solution strategies and their practical implementation. Christmas voucher included! 
Click here to read the article...


The new fall article covers 6 practical and effective time management tips and methods to make your workday more stress-free and productive.Note: This article is published in German. Click here to read the article...

Foggy Forest
05/2021: Effective Recharging with Hawaiian Forest Bathing
Did you know that 1 cubic meter of air above industrial cities contains 500,000 soot particles, but 1 cubic meter of forest air contains only 500 soot particles? Read more about the positive influence of the forest and how we can use it very effectively for our physical and mental health with "Piko-Piko Nahele", click here...
The Specifics of DNA - female hand with
03/2021: Stress, Epigenetics & 4Step Strategy
With the Corona Pandemic and its aftermath still a major stressor in all of our lives in 2021, the Spring Newsletter is all about the impact of stress on our genes and the important knowledge of how to avoid or manage stress in our daily lives. Click here for the article and valuable anti-stress links...
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12/2020: HealthyTeacher—Podcast
Ingrid Stadtler-Pree visits Carsten Meyer's podcast with an interview on stress management and what contribution the Hawaiian Huna philosophy can make to a more relaxed and happier life.
Click here for the podcast (in German).
Click here for the article (transcript in English).
Here is the free download of my (German) instructions for progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson (in German).
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08/2020: ORF Radio Salzburg—Lunchtime
Ingrid Stadtler-Pree is guest in the "Lunchtime—your talk radio" hosted by Harald Manzl, ORF regional studio Salzburg, on the topic "Vacation at home".
Click here for the radio report.
Paint Swatches

07/2020: Wise Decisions

The far-reaching and often unpredictable consequences that political decisions have on humans and nature are shown by the way in which climate change or the Covid 19 virus is being dealt with worldwide. How important it is, especially in nowadays affluent societies, to make "wise" and well-informed decisions and which strategies can help us personally in this process, is the topic of this summer article. Read more...

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04/2020: Tips against Corona cabin fever

Weeks of lockdown and work restrictions cause people problems in many ways: Feelings such as fear, helplessness or anger increase, as well as potential conflicts.
This is where coaches, counsellors and therapists are needed —with tips for everyday life and personal online consultations.
ORF Radio Salzburg has published my tips in the online article: "This too will pass: Tips against cabin fever" (here as a PDF download) and as a radio report. For the seminar centre Schloss Goldegg I have summarised the tips in a short video. 

Reach the Top
03/2020: From Wish to Goal: How Dreams Come True
An invitation from ORF Radio Salzburg to a life program on New Year's resolutions in January 2020 inspired me to summarise my scientifically proven and holistic tips on how to achieve your goals in this spring article: Read more...
Cute Santa
12/2019: Christmas—Make it a Merry One!
Especially at Christmas, problems and addictions are unfortunately on the rise. The new article with digital tips, findings from happiness research and a new SunCoaching meditation shows how we can deal more consciously with digital media in particular and actively do something for a Merry Christmas.
Your Christmas present: 1 SunCoaching - voucher...
Serge K.King, Talk with Ingrid Stadtler-
09/2019: Interviews mit Dr. Serge Kahili King, Gloria H. King und Susan P. Floyd auf Hawaii 


In the summer of 2019, I had the unique opportunity to interview my mentor, Serge King, his wife Gloria, and Susan Floyd on the Big Island of Hawaii. Click here for the Youtube videos and the transcripts:
Serge Kahili King: Youtube video, english transcript
Gloria Haumea King: Youtube video, english transcript
Susan Pa'iniu Foyd: Youtube video, english transcript

Couple Meditating on the Beach
06/2019: Ways towards Happiness: How to Start a Happy Day 


Learn about the scientifically proven benefits of meditation and its connection to the ancient Hawaiian HUNA teachings in this article of the happiness series. With detailed instructions for my favorite morning meditation, the Lovelight Meditation, a simple, pleasant, and effective way to star your day full of positive energy. Read more...

Your Summer gift: the guided Lovelight meditation as audio download!

03/2019: Ways towards Happiness (Part 1) 


The first part of the series "Ways towards Happiness" looks at the questions: What is happiness and why is it almost a "must" to deal with it? Which misconceptions are common and what gets in the way of our happiness? What determines our "Happiness Setpoint"? Read more...

11/2018: Stress management short & sweet


A stress-free holiday season and more: how the stress process works in
us and how it can be overcome and avoided with practical exercises.

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01/2013: Evaluation of the Dynamind-Technique


Research Report: Empirical Evaluation of the Dynamind-Technique and its potential Use in Coaching and Counseling

Scientific paper in context of the Masters theses at the Donau-University, Krems

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06/2006: Social Competence for IT Staff


Training Needs Analysis & Training Design (available in German) 
Project work as part of the university course for training and education management at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz


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