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  • Couples and Family Counseling: In every partnership and family, there are difficult times where discussions are not constructive anymore and end in dispute. Sometimes there is increasing dissatisfaction of one or both partners with the relationship or (school) problems of the children. The earlier you get professional help in deadlocked family situations, the less sorrowful they are for everyone involved. You can reflect on your topics individually as well as a couple or family and thus gain more clarity, loosen up hardened positions and work out viable solutions together.

  • Conflict Resolution & Relationships: People living and working together always contain potential for conflict. The closest relationships (partnerships, parent-child relationships, employee-supervisor relations, close associates, or even neighbors) challenge us the most. To be able to solve conflicts positively, to articulate your concerns appreciatively and to communicate in a relationship-friendly manner not only facilitates daily life - it changes your whole life. With the combination of methods provided by SunCoaching you will not only reflect on and change the patterns that have previously led to difficulties, you will also gain additional tools with which you can raise your relationships and, subsequently, your personal well-being to a new level.

  • Communication: The ability to communicate in a situation-oriented manner is one of the most important social skills and the basis for successful interactions with employees, supervisors, customers and in private life. Our body language, inner convictions and attitudes play a major role and can influence the communication positively or negatively.
    In individual coaching or training, you can optimise your conversation skills individually and thus communicate more clearly, empathically, adequately and harmoniously.

  • Overcome Life Crises & Manage Change: Life often does not work as we would like it to. Massive changes such as separation, divorce, termination or death of close relatives, can deeply shake and affect people. Even "positive" events such as birth, marriage, or promotion can often take some to their limits of endurance. Professionally accompanied you can cope with crises more easily and come out strengthened with new insights and skills.

  • Being a woman nowadays: Fulfilling oneself and the needs of others is a great challenge for many women in their countless roles of their professional and private life. The "balancing act" between family and work often leaves their own needs behind. Women often face and take on challenges that are difficult to fulfill. To enjoy womanhood, feel well and do what you want, provides energy for your busy life! I'm happy to help you activate and manage your resources and come up with new solutions.

  • Wellbeing for mind and soul: Switch off, recover and recharge is not only a need of our body, but also of our mind and our soul. Often we notice the "thought wheel," a certain dissatisfaction or emptiness only when our body comes to rest. SunCoaching offers you a variety of holistic and scientifically proven methods that allow you to relax mentally and spiritually, thus reconciling body-mind and soul. 


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