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  • The Science of Happiness: Scientific research shows that happy people are healthier, more successful, more flexible, more relaxed, more creative, have more energy and a wider social network. And the good news is: Happiness can be learned! With current knowledge and proven methods from the international happiness research (University of Berkeley, California:  Greater Good Science Center) I support you in developing your personal happiness recipes. The Spring newsletter 2019 contains the first article of the series: "Ways Towards Happiness". Click on the title and read more!

  • HUNA - Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom of Happiness and Success: In ancient Polynesia, people have always lived by principles and practiced techniques that confirm the latest research: e.g. Kindness and compassion make happy - the "Aloha Spirit" teaches this in many facets. Focused attention (Makia-Principle) is also a luck and success factor of unimaginable extent. Research on "Flow" and the latest findings in brain and happiness research are dealing with this. In individual coaching or in the HUNA seminar, I accompany you to the "Hawaiian Way of Life". Read more about the HUNA- teaching, the Hawaiian secrets of luck and success!

  • Personality Development: Personality and positive charisma are our greatest asset and essential for success in work and private life. If we know our strengths and weaknesses, beliefs, motives and values, we can use them and develop them further. According to brain neuroplasticity research, less our genes than our beliefs, our thoughts and feelings are crucial for development, success and vitality. Being aware of oneself and developing one's own potential is one of the most rewarding tasks of our lives - I would like to accompany you on this path!

  • Self esteem, self-love, self-realization: How we deal with ourselves influences our live a lot: our mental and physical health, what we dare to accomplish, even how others treat us. For example, a new concept in this area, called "self-compassion" (cultivating mindful compassion with oneself rather than harsh self-criticism), has been linked by researchers to reducing stress, boosting well-being, and improving relationships. In coaching, you can find out how to develop more appreciation and compassion for yourself to live a more authentic and happy life.

  • Goals, visions, meaning of life: You've got plenty of wishes and plans, but fail in implementing them? You've done a lot, but this or that goal seems out of reach? You often seem to fail shortly before the goal or ask yourself: why bother? Working with creative, holistic methods such as time-line work or the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM) will help you figure out what motivates you, what's really important to you and gives your life meaning. Through professional goal-setting you will be clear about your short-, medium- and long-term goals, take first steps to implement them and overcome obstacles on the way.

  • Mindfulness, relaxation, meditation: Mindfulness - a principle that occurs in both Buddhism and HUNA teaching - has long been a "mainstream topic" in the US, as it has been the subject of a number of studies over the past 30 years ( Jon Kabat-Zinn, known for Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction, MBSR). Innumerable positive effects of the relaxing and focusing mindfulness practices and meditations (e.g., breathing meditations, body-scan, Loving-Kindness meditation, etc.) on body (including brain), mind and soul have been identified. Try the different practices in a coaching session and take home instructions to benefit long-term!

Change Patterns - increase self-esteem


discover new things- find meaning - Be Happy

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