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  • Stress Management & Burnout Prevention: According to the motto: "You can not stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." John Kabat-Zinn, dealing with stress, its triggers (stressors) and individual stress responses, is about finding out what you can do (or let go) in order to become healthier, more relaxed, and more productive with your life and work situation. To be able to handle the (stress) waves and no longer be helpless and overwhelmed, but learn to "surf" professionally, step by step. As a trained expert in stress management & burnout prevention, I support you with the necessary know-how and team up with other specialists for your benefit- read more under: STRESS COACHING. Click here for the article of the Newsletter 11/2018: "Stress-free Christmas and more: stress management short and sweet!"

  • Work-Life-Balance: When was the last time you had fun and forgot the time? Do you feel yourself left by the wayside because work and family come first? Do you rush from meeting to meeting and can hardly relax in the evening? Do you often feel exhausted, tired and without drive? Actually, you intended to ensure more balance and exercise, but something got in the way...? Time and energy management, mindfulness, breathing exercises and meditation are tools that can help you find time for yourself and refuel in everyday life. Together we reflect where “your time goes” and how to create profitable time for yourself. Your current energy level is our starting point, you discover new energy sources and learn methods and techniques from which to draw strength and power– exactly when you need it!

  • Leadership: As a leader, you experience situations that require special attention- presentations, negotiations, internal conflicts - or simply the everyday life of meetings, appointments, objectives and the daily flood of information. Through professional coaching, you will reflect on your management style and difficult situations as well as develop new strategies and solutions. You will increase your presence and your charisma and access energy from new sources.

  • Orientation, career and life planning: (especially for young adults and students)
    The fast pace of our time, technical innovations and the situation on the job market are increasingly bringing about changes and uncertainty. Secured jobs in life are dwindling - lifelong learning, resilience and flexibility are required to secure the existing standard of living or even to reach it as a young person. The more specific you are about life planning and the long-term goals, expectations and hopes for your life, the greater the likelihood that you will eventually achieve them. I support you in not being a passive victim of the circumstances, but actively and responsibly shaping your life.

  • Professional Comeback:  Although family-friendly working conditions are talked about a lot, it is often not easy for parents who were at home to get back into a well-paying, family-friendly workplace - the longer the time out/off, the more difficult it might be. SunCoaching offers valuable support in the exploration of your options, in planning your new career and helps you face the challenges of the requirements of occupation, partnership & parenting. Getting it all done without getting left behind is the motto here.

  • Mental Coaching: Our mental state (thoughts and visual imagination) can affect feelings and moods, and subsequently our behaviour. As such, our ways of thinking and our ideas are crucial when it comes to giving up or persevering, winning or losing, passively complaining about circumstances or actively coping with challenges. The development and support of mental strength is necessary nowadays, not only for top athletes and top managers, but also for the everyday challenges of modern life.

plan career - master stress

achieve goals - enjoy success 

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